New Mandatory Sick Time Policy in Chicago

The City of Chicago added a paid sick time policy effective July 1, 2017.

The policy mandates 1 hour of sick time for every 40 hours worked with a cap of 40 hours. Employees can also carry over 1/2 of their respective unpaid accrual into the following year.

Employers with a more generous policy do not need to take action other than to display the poster with other employment compliance notices.

Employers who do not offer vacation or sick leave may want to add an “accruals” module to their payroll process.

Here are additional compliance notes:

  • Employers may set a reasonable minimum for requested time off, not to exceed 4 hours per day.
  • If paid sick leave is reasonably foreseeable, employers may require up to seven days’ notice before rest is taken. If the need is not reasonably foreseeable, an employer may require notification as soon as practicable on the day the leave is taken unless the employee cannot give notice because of medical incapacitation.
  • If an employee is absent for more than three consecutive work days, employers may require documentation for paid sick leave.
  • Employers cannot require that the documentation specify the nature of injury, illness, or condition. Employers cannot deny paid sick leave or delay wages due to not receiving documentation.
  • Employers may take disciplinary action, up to and including termination, against employees who use paid sick leave for purposes other than described in the Ordinance.


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